Monday 22 August 2011

How life was before it became easy. My Grand farther was explaining to me how a simple trip the ATM/Bank was not so simple back then. Considering the first ATM was installed in Australia in the late 70's.  So before that they had to spend many unnecessary hours in the banks unlike today how you can check your account and pay most of your bills online.  Well back then mobile phones were very underdeveloped and and my Grand farther was telling me how it was like carrying a brick around just to talk to someone and most of the time they wouldn't be there to pick up there mobile so they had to leave a message and wait for a reply.  And as for colour televisions when they first came out they were like a delicacy everyone wanted one to enjoy watching television properly but most people could not afford one so they had to put up with the good old black and white television's.